Hoy vamos a ver un poco de vocabulario relacionado con el buceo AKA Diving/Scuba, cada vez más popular y una maravilla para perderse bajo el mar (siempre que vuelvas a la superficie):
Oxygen |
Oxígeno |
“Check your oxygen levels before the dive.” |
Compressor |
Compresor |
“The compressor refills the tanks with air.” |
Regulator |
Regulador |
“The regulator controls the airflow.” |
Snorkel |
Snorkel |
“I use a snorkel for surface swimming.” |
Fin |
Aleta |
“My fins help me move smoothly underwater.” |
Bolsillo |
“Keep your dive log in your pocket.” |
Weight Pocket |
Bolsillo de pesas |
“I use a weight pocket to control buoyancy.” |
Buoyancy Compensator Device (BCD) |
Chaleco de compensación de flotabilidad (BCD) |
“Inflate your BCD to ascend slowly.” |
Diver |
Buzo |
“The diver explored the coral reef.” |
Stabilizer jacket |
Chaleco estabilizador |
“A stabilizer jacket helps with buoyancy.” |
Hyperbaric chamber |
Cámara hiperbárica |
“He received treatment in a hyperbaric chamber.” |
Tank filler |
Cargador de botellas |
“The tank filler refills scuba tanks.” |
Diving helmets |
Cascos de buceo |
“Diving helmets are used for deep-sea dives.” |
Diving equipment |
Equipo de buceo |
“Quality diving equipment is essential.” |
Seafloor |
Fondo marino |
“We spotted a shipwreck on the seafloor.” |
Immersion |
Inmersión |
“The immersion in crystal-clear water was amazing.” |
Diving torch |
Linterna de buceo |
“A diving torch is essential for night dives.” |
Dive mask |
Máscara de buceo |
“Choose a comfortable dive mask for better visibility.” |
Neoprene |
Neopreno |
“A neoprene wetsuit keeps you warm underwater.” |
Air buttons |
Palancas de aire |
“Press the air buttons to control buoyancy.” |
Dive planning |
Planificación de buceo |
“Proper dive planning ensures safety.” |
Air control panel |
Tablero de control de aire |
“The air control panel monitors tank pressure.” |
Dive suit |
Traje de buceo |
“A dive suit provides thermal protection.” |
Wetsuit |
Traje de neopreno (wetsuit) |
“A wetsuit is ideal for temperate water dives.” |
Si estáis más interesados en el tema, os comparto un vídeo dónde habla sobre vocabulario específico: