Aunque en este mundillo prácticamente todo el vocabulario se realiza usando el término anglosajón, nunca viene mal saber su equivalencia en español.
A continuación, veremos los más usados a nivel global:
Inglés | Español | Ejemplo en Inglés |
Computer | Computadora | “I use a computer to work and browse the web.” |
Software | Software | “Microsoft Word is a popular software application.” |
Hardware | Hardware | “The hardware includes the CPU and RAM.” |
Operating System | Sistema Operativo | “Windows 10 is an example of an operating system.” |
Browser | Navegador | “Google Chrome is a popular web browser.” |
Internet | Internet | “The Internet connects people worldwide.” |
Correo Electrónico | “I sent you an email with the report attached.” | |
Password | Contraseña | “Make sure your password is strong and secure.” |
Data | Datos | “We need to analyze the data from our sales.” |
Backup | Copia de Seguridad | “I regularly create backups of my important files.” |
File | Archivo | “Save the document as a PDF file.” |
Network | Red | “Our office has a local area network (LAN).” |
Firewall | Cortafuegos | “A firewall protects the network from threats.” |
Virus | Virus | “Don’t open email attachments from unknown sources to avoid viruses.” |
Malware | Malware | “Antivirus software can protect against malware.” |
Download | Descargar | “You can download the latest software update from the website.” |
Upload | Subir | “Please upload the images to the server.” |
URL | URL | “The URL of the website is https://www.example.com.” |
Search Engine | Motor de Búsqueda | “Google is the most popular search engine.” |
Wi-Fi | Wi-Fi | “Connect to the Wi-Fi network to access the internet.” |
Y si queremos un poco más, pero en esta ocasión más relacionado con la programación (muy básico):
Inglés | Español | Ejemplo en Inglés |
Algorithm | Algoritmo | “The algorithm efficiently sorts the data.” |
Database | Base de datos | “The database stores customer information.” |
Encryption | Encriptación | “Data encryption ensures security.” |
Firewall | Cortafuegos | “The firewall protects the network.” |
Hardware | Hardware | “Upgrading hardware can boost performance.” |
Internet | Internet | “The internet is a global network.” |
JavaScript | JavaScript | “JavaScript is used for web development.” |
Keyboard | Teclado | “Type using the keyboard.” |
Laptop | Portátil | “I carry my laptop with me everywhere.” |
Malware | Malware | “Malware can harm your computer.” |
Network | Red | “The network connects all the devices.” |
Operating System | Sistema Operativo | “Windows is a popular operating system.” |
Programming | Programación | “Programming requires logical thinking.” |
Query | Consulta | “Write a query to retrieve data.” |
Router | Enrutador | “The router manages internet connections.” |
Software | Software | “Microsoft Office is popular software.” |
USB Drive | Unidad USB | “Store files on a USB drive.” |
Virus | Virus | “Antivirus software protects against viruses.” |
Website | Sitio web | “I created a website for my business.” |
XML | XML | “XML is a markup language for data.” |