A continuación veremos una batería de preguntas que utilizan la estructura “How + xxx + to be:
Inglés |
Español |
Ejemplo en inglés |
How far is it to be? |
¿Qué tan lejos está? |
“How far is it to be from here to the airport?” |
How late is it to be? |
¿Qué tan tarde es? |
“How late is it to be for the meeting?” |
How old is it to be? |
¿Qué tan viejo es? |
“How old is it to be for a vintage car?” |
How long is it to be? |
¿Qué tan largo es? |
“How long is it to be for the bridge?” |
How wide is it to be? |
¿Qué tan ancho es? |
“How wide is it to be for the river?” |
How tall is it to be? |
¿Qué tan alto es? |
“How tall is it to be for a skyscraper?” |
How deep is it to be? |
¿Qué tan profundo es? |
“How deep is it to be for the swimming pool?” |
How heavy is it to be? |
¿Qué tan pesado es? |
“How heavy is it to be for that box?” |
How big is it to be? |
¿Qué tan grande es? |
“How big is it to be for the new house?” |
How thick is it to be? |
¿Qué tan grueso es? |
“How thick is it to be for the wall?” |
How high is it to be? |
¿Qué tan alto es? |
“How high is it to be for the mountain?” |
How strong is it to be? |
¿Qué tan fuerte es? |
“How strong is it to be for the storm?” |
How fast is it to be? |
¿Qué tan rápido es? |
“How fast is it to be for the car?” |
How well-prepared is it to be? |
¿Qué tan bien preparado está? |
“How well-prepared is it to be for the competition?” |
How comfortable is it to be? |
¿Qué tan cómodo es? |
“How comfortable is it to be for the sofa?” |
How reliable is it to be? |
¿Qué tan confiable es? |
“How reliable is it to be for the information?” |
How expensive is it to be? |
¿Qué tan caro es? |
“How expensive is it to be for the vacation?” |
How clean is it to be? |
¿Qué tan limpio es? |
“How clean is it to be for the kitchen?” |
How difficult is it to be? |
¿Qué tan difícil es? |
“How difficult is it to be for the exam?” |
How easy is it to be? |
¿Qué tan fácil es? |
“How easy is it to be for the recipe?” |
How safe is it to be? |
¿Qué tan seguro es? |
“How safe is it to be for the neighborhood?” |
How suitable is it to be? |
¿Qué tan adecuado es? |
“How suitable is it to be for the task?” |
How ready is it to be? |
¿Qué tan listo está? |
“How ready is it to be for the launch?” |
How well-maintained is it to be? |
¿Qué tan bien mantenido está? |
“How well-maintained is it to be for the garden?” |
How happy is it to be? |
¿Qué tan feliz es? |
“How happy is it to be for the occasion?” |
How organized is it to be? |
¿Qué tan organizado es? |
“How organized is it to be for the event?” |
How available is it to be? |
¿Qué tan disponible es? |
“How available is it to be for the job?” |
How efficient is it to be? |
¿Qué tan eficiente es? |
“How efficient is it to be for the process?” |
How patient is it to be? |
¿Qué tan paciente es? |
“How patient is it to be for the children?” |
How responsible is it to be? |
¿Qué tan responsable es? |
“How responsible is it to be for the role?” |