El ajedrez, ese deporte que debería ser visto por miles de millones de personas, y que cada vez es menos popular. Para mí, es un estupendo ejercicio para desarrollar la paciencia.
Hoy vemos un listado de vocabulario relacionado:
Inglés |
Español |
Ejemplo en inglés |
Chess |
Ajedrez |
“I enjoy playing chess with my friends.” |
Board |
Tablero |
“The chessboard is set up for the game.” |
Piece |
Pieza |
“Each player starts with 16 pieces in chess.” |
Pawn |
Peón |
“The pawn moves forward one square at a time.” |
Rook |
Torre |
“The rook can move horizontally or vertically.” |
Knight |
Caballo |
“The knight has a unique L-shaped move.” |
Bishop |
Alfil |
“Bishops can move diagonally on the board.” |
Queen |
Reina |
“The queen is the most powerful piece in chess.” |
King |
Rey |
“Protect the king at all costs in chess.” |
Check |
Jaque |
“He put the opponent’s king in check.” |
Checkmate |
Jaque mate |
“The game ended with a brilliant checkmate.” |
Stalemate |
Tablas |
“The game ended in a stalemate; no one won.” |
Opening |
Apertura |
“They played a classic opening in the game.” |
Middle game |
Juego medio |
“The middle game is a critical phase of chess.” |
Endgame |
Final |
“They reached the endgame with equal material.” |
Strategy |
Estrategia |
“A good chess strategy is essential for success.” |
Tactics |
Táctica |
“He employed clever tactics to win the game.” |
Capture |
Captura |
“He made a capture by taking an opponent’s piece.” |
Move |
Movimiento |
“It’s your move; make your move wisely.” |
Castling |
Enroque |
“Castling is a special move that involves the king and rook.” |
Draw |
Empate |
“The game ended in a draw due to insufficient material.” |
Time control |
Control de tiempo |
“We play with a time control of 5 minutes per move.” |
Clock |
Reloj |
“They use a chess clock to keep track of time.” |
Rating |
Puntuación |
“His chess rating has improved significantly.” |
Pin |
Clavada |
“He executed a pin, trapping the opponent’s piece.” |
Fork |
Horquilla |
“The fork tactic simultaneously attacks two pieces.” |
Skewer |
Ataque en línea |
“He set up a skewer, forcing his opponent to lose a valuable piece.” |
Espero que esta lista te sea útil para entender mejor el vocabulario relacionado con el ajedrez.