Phrasal verb: Come (By, In, Out, Back)


Hoy es el turno de los phrasal verbs que se pueden crear a partir del verbo “Come” (Venir, llegar). Una particularidad de éstos es que todos son phrasal verbs inseparables.


Come by

Significado: Pasar por un lugar. Es un phrasal verb inseparable. Tambien se puede usar el verbo Stop en vez de Come (Stop by).


  • Why don´t you come by my house after working?
  • Come by at twelve.
  • Will you come by or not?
  • He should stop by as soon as possible.


Come in

Significado 1: Entrar en un lugar. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.

Significado 2: Llegar de un lugar recientemente/hace poco.


  • Come in, it´s snowing.
  • You should come in, it is raining.
  • Are you going to come in or not?
  • They are going to come in later.


Come out

Significado: Salir de un lugar. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.


  • You have to come out of there.
  • The paella came out delicious.
  • When does the new film come out?
  • I wanted to say it in Spanish and it came out horrible.
  • The pictures didn´t come out properly.


Come back

Significado 1: Volver/regresar a un lugar. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.

Significado 2: Cuando vuelve de nuevo un problema.


  • Come back, I need you.
  • When do you come back from your holidays?
  • I came back late as unusual.
  • You must to come back, it is getting late.
  • My boyfriend has come back with me.

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