Phrasal verb: Look (At, for, out, over, up, up to)


Turno para los phrasal verbs que pueden utilizarse con el verbo “Look” (mirar). Estad atentos sobre todo con el phrasal verb “look out” que podéis tener confusiones a la hora de usarlo, o las diferencias entre “look up” y “look up to” ;)


Look at

Significado:  Mirar algo o a alguien. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.


  • Look at them.
  • She didn´t want to look at it.
  • We are looking at ways to improve our knowledge.
  • Look at the time!
  • You should stop looking at them.


Look for

Significado: Buscar algo o alguien. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.


  • Look for the keys.
  • You have to look for the pencil in the kitchen.
  • I told her to look for you.
  • Look for us in the restaurant.
  • Are you going to look for the glasses?



Look out

Significado: Estar atento de algo que pueda ocurrir. En ocasiones después de la preposición “out” puede acompañarle la preposición “for”. En ambos casos es un phrasal verb inseparable. También puede sustituirse por el verbo “watch”.


  • Look out!
  • Look out before you cross the street.
  • I always look out for myself.
  • You have to watch out.
  • I´ll be watching out for you.



Look over

Significado: Revisar/repasar algo. Esn un phrasal verb separable.


  • Look it over before sending him.
  • Let´s look over the information.
  • You have to look them over first.
  • Look over his notes.
  • Look it over and call me back.



Look up

Significado: Consultar/buscar algo en una referencia (o libro/diccionario). Es un phrasal verb separable.

Significado 2: Mirar hacia arriba. Es un phrasal verb separable.


  • Look it up.
  • I´m going to look up some restaurants in that area.
  • Look up the word in the dictionary.
  • Look it up in the guide.
  • It´s boring to look up every word.



Look up to

Significado: Admirar/respetar a alguien. Es un phrasal verb inseparable.


  • I look up to her.
  • I look up to him as my teacher.
  • We look up to that country.
  • My father looks up my grandfather.
  • I´ve always looked up to them.


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