Ahora que me he aficcionado a las infografías (sencillas pero efectivas), volvemos con la sección “Phrasal verb of the day”. A partir de ahora, intentaré incluir una infografía por cada phrasal verb.
Vayamos al lío:
Miss out: Perder la oportunidad de haber tenido algo que te hubiera gustado, o el de hacer algo porque querías:
- We tried to buy tickets to the Damien Rice concert, but they´d sold out. If we´d tried to buy them earlier, we wouldn´t have missed out.
- We all feel sorry for Jay. He missed out on a spot in the Olympic team because he injured his kneel during the selection trials.
- Don´t miss out on this chance: you´ll never have a better opportunity.
Y la infografía para los interesados: