Phrasal verb: Put (Away, in, off, on, out)

Don´t put off

Los phrasal verbs de hoy son aquellos que pueden formarse con el verbo “to put” (poner, colocar). En teoría, no creo que se tengan problemas a lahora de aprendérselos e identificarlos, tal vez puede tener algo de dificultad el phrasal verb “Put On” al tener varios significados y en el que todos ellos suelen usarse a menudo. ¡Ánimo! Que falta poco para terminar con la primera ronda de phrasal verbs ;D

Put away

Significado 1: Guardar o poner algo en su sitio. Es un phrasal verb separable.

Significado 2: Encarcelar a alguien durante un tiempo determinado. Es un phrasal verb separable.


  • Put your things away.
  • The girl didn´t want to put her things away.
  • I didn´t see you put them away.
  • An alien put them away.
  • They are going to put him away for 30 years for the crime he commited.


Put in

Significado: Meter o poner algo dentro (o en un sitio/lugar). Es un phrasal verb separable.


  • Put it in the pocket.
  • Put the mobile phone in my bag.
  • How much time did you put it in?
  • Let´s not put too much time into it.
  • I´ve put a lot of time in this game.


Put off

Significado: Posponer o aplazar algo. Es un phrasal verb separable.


  • Put it off until next week.
  • They put off the meeting.
  • Why are you always putting it off?
  • We should not put it off anymore.
  • Don´t put off for tomorrow what you can do today.


Put on

Significado 1: Ponerse ropa. Es un phrasal verb separable.

Significado 2: Poner algo sobre una superficie o un lugar. Es un phrasal verb separable.

Significado 3: Engordar


  • Put the jacket on.
  • Put the book on the table.
  • You can put your clothes on.
  • I always put on weight during Christmas.
  • Put my father on the phone.



Put out

Significado 1: Apagar algo que se está quemando o que está ardiendo.

Significado 2: Sacar algo fuera.


  • Put out the cigarette in the ashtray, please.
  • Put the clothes out to dry.
  • It took them two hours to put it out.
  • The firefighters put out the fire in five hours.
  • We put them out of the competition.


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