Phrasal verb: Turn (Around, on, off, up, down)

Nueva ronda de phrasal verbs. Turno para los más importantes que se pueden crear a traves del verbo “to turn”. Mi favorito sin duda, es el de “turn on”, para los que no lo conozcáis, echadle un vistazo y… :P


Turn around

Significado 1: Dar la vuelta. Es un phrasal verb separable.

Signifcado 2: Mejorar algo que no funciona o va mal. Es un phrasal verb separable.


  • Turn around, I want to see your back.
  • He turned my life around.
  • Let´s turn around, it´s getting late.
  • Wee need to turn the score around.
  • We would rather turn around.


Turn on

Siginifcado 1: Encender algo (que tenga un botón de encendido). Es un phraasal verb separable.

Significado 2: Excitar, ponerse caliente. Es un phraasal verb separable.


  • Turn on the laptop.
  • You were lost, you didn´t turn on your GPS.
  • You´re turning me on.
  • It turns automatically.
  • Piercings don´t turn me on.



Turn off

Significado: Apagar algo (que tenga un botón de apagado). Es un phraasal verb separable.


  • Turn off the laptop.
  • You didn´t want to turn it off.
  • You turn me off.
  • You don´t have to turn it off.
  • Her breathe turned me off.


Turn up

Significado 1: Subir el nivel de algo. Es un phraasal verb separable.

Significado 2: Aparecer. Es un phraasal verb separable.


  • Turn up the volume.
  • You always have to turn it up.
  • I can´t hear it, turn it up.
  • They waited for half an hour but they didn´t turn up.
  • We always turn up.



Turn down

Significado 1: Bajar el nivel de algo. Es un verbo phrasal separable.

Significado 2: Rechazar a alguien o algo.


  • Turn the volume down.
  • Could you turn it down a bit more?
  • We turned down the schedule.
  • I turned down the job offer.
  • Did you turn it down?


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