Para decir cómo viajamos, normalmente utilizamos la preposición “by”:
We went to Andorra by train.
Expresiones como ésta incluyen by car, by plane, by ship, by boat, by ferry. (en coche, en barco, en bote, en ferry)
También decimos by road, by sea, by air, by rail, by metro, by underground. (por carretera, por mar, por aire, por ferrocarril, por metro, por suburbano.)
Pero tenemos que decir on foot (a pie), no by foot:
There were no buses so we went on foot.
No podemos usar by con to, the, her, etc. En expresiones como “to taxi, the plane, her bike”. En vez de eso, tenemos que decir “in a taxi, on the plane, on her bike”.
Para hablar de coches y taxis, usamos in.
They arrived at the cinema in Layla’s car.
I decided not to go in my car.
There four five of us in the taxi.
Con get, y a veces con otros verbos como jump y climb, usamos in/into y out of:
Get in the bus!
Three people got into the taxi.
I got out of the taxi closed the door behind me.
Veronica jumped into her car and set off quickly.
Para hablar del transporte público, motos, bicicletas, ir en caballo, usamos la preposición “on”:
She left on the 17:45 plane..
I usually go to school on my bycicle, but today I’m going on the bus.
The best way to cross the mountain is on a horse.
Usamos on/onto o off con get:
You get on the bust at the center, and get off at the station.
Brandon left the place and got on his motorbike.