Vocabulario, colocaciones y phrasal verbs sobre la educación

Siguiendo con otra entrega de vocabulario, expresiones y demás sobre un tema específico. En esta ocasión, toca el tema de la educación a tratar, aunque siempre hay alguna expresión que no encaja al 100% pero, es como todo en la vida :P
Art room – Área/sala de artes plásticas
At school we used to paint at the art room.
Cargo ship – Barco de carga
My father owned a cargo ship.
Centre of London – Centro de Londres
Jonathan lives in the center of London.
Chemist’s shop – Farmacia
If you want that medicine, you have to buy it in the chemist’s shop.
Coat check girl – Chica del guardarropa
The coat check girl was very kind to us.
Cookery course – Curso de cocina
I am going to a cookery course.
Hamburguer restaurant –Hamburguesería
Let’s have lunch, come, I will show you the new hamburger restaurant.
Chemistry teacher –Profesor de química
My cousin always wanted to become a chemistry teacher.
Infant teacher – Profesor infantil
I want to be an infant teacher.
Knowledge of poisons – conocimiento de venenos
He has acquired knowledge of poisons serving as a ranger in West Point.
Mysteries of life – Misterios de la vida
My grandfather wanted to know all the mysteries of life.
Nursery school – Jardín de infancia
My old nursery school got burnt three years ago.
Paper round – Ruta del repartidor de periódicos
Sorry, I was doing the paper round.
Rows of desks – Filas de pupitres
In my high school we had lots of rows of desks per class.
State school – Escuela estatal
I went to a state school.
Twin misteries – Misterios gemelos
The police had to solve the twin misteries: the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Potato.
(to) be bad news – Alguien que no da más que problemas
She’s quite hard-working, whereas Tim’s the complete opposite. He’s bad news, actually!
Basic skills – Habilidades básicas
He had to develop his basic skills.
East London – Este de Londres
He was working as a lorry driver in East London.
Full time career – Ocupación a tiempo completo
He wanted to have a full time career.
Hard-working – trabajador (adj)
My group of friends were quite hard-working people.
Local fish factory – Piscifactoría local
I was working in the local fish factory.
Local restaurant – Restaurante local
I’m trying to get a job in a local restaurant.
Long hours – Largas horas
He spent long hours waiting for us in the forest.
Original under-achiever – Persona que no rinde al nivel de su capacidad
Eistein was an original under-achiever when he was a young boy.
Particular job – Trabajo particular
James has a particular job, he is a fireman.
Poetical place – Sitio pintoresco
London is a very poetical place.
Progressive ideas – ideas progresistas
My teacher had a lot of progressive ideas.
Private school – Escuela privada
My friend attended Caravel, which is a private school.
Sculpting business – Negocio de la escultura
She inherited the family sculpting business.
Secondary school – Escuela secundaria
By the time I was twelve I started secondary school.
Single day –Dia único
I promise you it will be just a single day.
Sound knowledge – Conocimientos sólidos
That book gave me a sound knowledge of music.
Spare time – Tiempo libre
I don’t like doing exercise in my spare time.
The only jobs – Los únicos trabajos
The only jobs available don´t have very good conditions.
The wisest man – El hombre más sabio
He has become the wisest man on Earth.
Thrown out food – Comida tirada/desperdiciada
The begger was looking for thown out food in the garbage.
Unpaid assistant – Ayudante/asistente que no cobra
I was forced to work as an unpaid assistant.
Visual images – Imágenes visuales
Yesterday, the newspaper had a lot of visual images.
(to) Become an apprentice – Hacerse aprendiz
She became an apprentice of the job.
(to) Cut grass – Cortar el cesped
He spend the late afternoon cutting grass.
(to) Do the Postgraduate thesis – Hacer la Tesis doctoral
He did his postgraduate thesis based on the ancient greeks.
(to) Find employment – Encontrar trabajo
He found employment as an engineer.
(to) Hide my books – Esconder mis libros
I used to hide my books under my bed.
(His parents) divorced – (Sus padres) se divorciaron
My parents divorced last year.
(to) Know the area – Conocer el tema
I liked this job because I knew the area very well.
(to) Make an effort – Esforzarse/hacer un esfuerzo
You need to make an effort , if you really want to pass the subject.
(to) Pass an exam – Aprobar un examen
Everybody wants to pass the exams.
(to) Sell ice-cream – Vender helados
We have sold more ice-cream this year than the last one.
(to) Take a position – Ocupar un cargo/un empleo
She took a position as a dentist assistant.
(to) Widen the topic – Ampliar el tema
Could I widen the topic with this old books?
(to) Arrive at school – Llegar a la escuela
George arrived at school very late.
(to) Earn a living – Ganarse la vida
He had to earn a living since he was a little boy.
(to) Hammer on a surface (e.g. a window) – Aporrear una superficie
As they didn’t see me, I hammered on the window.
(to) Have (no) talent in doing sth – (No) tener talento haciendo algo
He had no talent in dancing.
(to) Make a profit on – Sacar provecho/beneficio de
He explained he had made a profit on some cheap flights.
(to) Make a start in – Comenzar en
Mike said that he had made a start in a small way while still at school.
(to) Make a success of – Tener éxito con algo
He made a success of his new book.
(to) Make use of – Hacer uso de
He admitted he had made use of the school computer in his lunch break.
(to) Search through – Buscar en
I searched through my luggage for my keys.
(to) Show interest in – Mostrar interés en
He showed little interest in going to the party.
(to) Start mucking about – Empezar a perder el tiempo
Guys started mucking about.
(to) Wave at sb – Saludar (con la mano) a alguien
I waved at them but they didn’t see me.
(to) Work for – Trabajar para
He worked for different companies.
(to) Fail virtually everything – Suspender casi todo
My brother managed to fail virtually everything and still be successful.
(to) Forget deliberately – Olvidar a propósito
Sandra accused Mike of deliberately forgetting certain details.
(to) Go downhill – Ir cuesta abajo
Peter went downhill with his bike this morning.
(to) Help financially – Ayudar económicamente
Mike mentioned that his father had helped him financially in starting his business.
(to) Particularly rememberer – Recordar especialmente
Can you speak about a teacher you particularly remember.
(to) Probably take – Probablemente coger/contraer
He probably took the HIV.
(to) Run traditionally – Dirigir/ llevar algo tradicionalmente
He runs the school very traditionally.
(to) Start early –Empezar temprano
In Spain, teaching starts early.
(to) Subsequently be – Ser consecuentemente
That subsequently was dangerous.
(to) Walk nervously – Caminar nervioso/nerviosamente
He started walking nervously when he saw her.
(to) Work hard – Trabajar duro
Jane wished she had worked harder at school.
Later qualified – Cualificado más tarde
She was an engineer and later qualified in chemistry.
Quite new – Bastante nuevo
Our school books are quite new.
Bring up – Criar
They brought up their kids really well.
Throw up – Abandonar
I threw up my job after a month.

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