Seguimos viendo vocabulario relacionados con profesiones. En esta ocasión, veremos vocabulario relacionado con la profesión de electricista, el vocabulario más común que se utiliza junto a una conversación cómo ejemplo.
Inglés |
Español |
Frase de ejemplo en inglés |
Electricity |
Electricidad |
I forgot to pay the electricity bill. |
Power |
Potencia |
The power went out during the storm. |
Circuit |
Circuito |
The circuit breaker tripped and cut off the electricity. |
Outlet |
Toma de corriente |
Plug the lamp into the nearest outlet. |
Plug |
Enchufe |
The plug doesn’t fit in the socket. |
Switch |
Interruptor |
Flip the switch to turn on the lights. |
Wire |
Cable |
The wire is frayed and needs to be replaced. |
Socket |
Enchufe, toma de corriente |
Plug the charger into the wall socket. |
Fuse |
Fusible |
The fuse blew when I plugged in too many appliances. |
Battery |
Batería |
The remote control needs a new battery. |
Current |
Corriente |
Voltage |
Voltaje |
The voltage of this battery is 12 volts. |
Resistance |
Resistencia |
The resistance of this wire is high. |
Conductor |
Conductor |
Copper is a good conductor of electricity. |
Insulator |
Aislante |
Rubber is commonly used as an insulator. |
Generator |
Generador |
The generator provides backup power during blackouts. |
Transformer |
Transformador |
The transformer stepped up the voltage for transmission. |
Circuit Breaker |
Interruptor de circuito |
The circuit breaker tripped to prevent an overload. |
Grounding |
Puesta a tierra |
Proper grounding helps protect against electrical shocks. |
Electrostatic |
Electrostático |
The balloons stuck to the wall due to electrostatic charges. |
Conversación en inglés sobre un electricista y una persona en el que tiene que cambiar una bombilla porque se ha fundido debido a la corriente de la electricidad.
Electrician: Good morning! How can I help you today?
Person: Hi, I’m having a problem with one of the light bulbs in my living room. I think the electrical current was too strong, and it burned out.
Electrician: I see. I’ll take a look at it for you. Could you show me where the light fixture is?
Person: Sure, it’s right over here. Be careful, as the switch is still on.
Electrician: Thank you for the warning. Safety is always a priority. Let me turn off the switch before I start working. Switches off the light
Person: Great. Now, what do you think caused the bulb to burn out?
Electrician: Well, if you experienced a surge in the electrical current, it could have overloaded the bulb. It’s a common issue. I’ll need to check the wiring and the fixture to make sure there are no other problems.
Person: That makes sense. I’ve noticed some flickering lights in other rooms as well. Should I be concerned?
Electrician: It’s possible that the electrical surge affected other areas too. I’ll inspect the main circuit and distribution panel to identify any potential issues. Safety is our priority, so it’s better to be cautious.
Person: I appreciate your thoroughness. Please let me know if there’s anything I need to do or if any repairs are necessary.
Electrician: Absolutely. I’ll replace the burnt-out bulb first and ensure that the new one is securely installed. Then, I’ll conduct a complete check of the electrical system to ensure everything is working correctly and there are no further problems.
Person: Thank you so much for your assistance. I feel relieved knowing you’re taking care of this issue.
Electrician: You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure to help. Electrical matters can be tricky, but we’ll get everything back to normal in no time. If you have any other concerns or questions, feel free to ask.
Person: I will definitely keep that in mind. Thanks again for your expertise and prompt response.
Electrician: Not a problem. That’s what I’m here for. I’ll get started right away.