Vocabulario relacionado con enfermedades comunes


Aunque este sea uno de los temas que más evito hablar, sobre todo, con gente mayor, cómo con todo en esta vida, hay que tener cierta base. Hoy veremos las enfermades más comunes que uno puede tener (o no, co suerte):


  • Resfriado común – Common cold

Ejemplo: “I caught a cold last week and I’ve been feeling under the weather.”


  • Diabetes – Diabetes

Ejemplo: “My grandmother has diabetes and she has to take insulin every day.”


  • Bronquitis – Bronchitis

Ejemplo: “I was diagnosed with bronchitis, but it’s getting better now thanks to the antibiotics.”


  • Gastritis – Gastritis

Ejemplo: “Gastritis causes stomach pain and discomfort.”


  • Depresión – Depression

Ejemplo: “I have been struggling with depression for a while now and I’m seeing a therapist.”


  • Hipertensión – Hypertension

Ejemplo: “My uncle has hypertension and he has to take medication to control his blood pressure.”


  • Asma – Asthma

Ejemplo: “My sister has asthma and she needs to carry her inhaler with her at all times.”


  • Cáncer – Cancer

Ejemplo: “My friend was diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.”


  • Enfermedad cardíaca – Heart disease

Ejemplo: “Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.”


  • Enfermedad pulmonar – Lung disease

Ejemplo: “My grandfather has lung disease and he has trouble breathing.”


  • Artritis – Arthritis

Ejemplo: “My aunt has arthritis and it causes her a lot of pain in her hands.”


  • Enfermedad renal – Kidney disease

Ejemplo: “Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure if not treated properly.”


  • Enfermedad de Alzheimer – Alzheimer’s disease

Ejemplo: “My grandmother has Alzheimer’s disease and it’s hard to communicate with her.”


  • Enfermedad de Parkinson – Parkinson’s disease

Ejemplo: “My grandfather has Parkinson’s disease and it affects his movement.”


  • Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal – Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Ejemplo: “Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are examples of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).”


  • Enfermedad de la tiroides – Thyroid disease

Ejemplo: “My sister was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a thyroid disease.”


  • Enfermedad autoinmune – Autoimmune disease

Ejemplo: “Lupus is an example of an autoimmune disease, it can affect many parts of the body.”


  • Enfermedad de la piel – Skin disease

Ejemplo: “Eczema is a skin disease that causes itchy and irritated patches on the skin.”


  • Enfermedad hepática – Liver disease

Ejemplo: “Liver disease can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption.”


  • Enfermedad de la vista – Eye disease

Ejemplo: “My grandfather has age-related macular degeneration, a common eye disease in older adults.”


  • Enfermedad de la columna vertebral – Back disease

Ejemplo: “My dad has a herniated disc, a common back disease.”


  • Enfermedad del hígado graso – Fatty liver disease

Ejemplo: “Fatty liver disease can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption or obesity.”


  • Enfermedad de la vejiga – Bladder disease

Ejemplo: “My uncle was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder disease.”


  • Enfermedad de la trompa de Falopio – Fallopian tube disease

Ejemplo: “Fallopian tube disease can cause infertility in women.”


  • Enfermedad del riñón – Kidney disease

Ejemplo: “Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure if not treated properly.”


  • Enfermedad de la válvula cardíaca – Heart valve disease

Ejemplo: “Heart valve disease can cause the heart to work harder and can lead to heart failure.”


  • Enfermedad del sistema nervioso – Neurological disease

Ejemplo: “Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects the brain and spinal cord.”


  • Enfermedad del hueso – Bone disease

Ejemplo: “Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become weak and brittle.”


  • Enfermedad del oído – Ear disease

Ejemplo: “My cousin has a recurrent ear infection, a common ear disease in children.”


  • Enfermedad del hueso y articulaciones – Bone and joint disease

Ejemple: “Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the bones and joints.”


  • Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) – Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Ejemplo: “John was diagnosed with ALS last year and has since lost the ability to walk and speak. He now requires constant care and assistance with daily activities.”

Estos son sólo algunos ejemplos, pero cómo bien sabéis, hay miles y miles de enfermedades…


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