La estructura “as … as” en inglés

La estructura “as … as” en inglés se utiliza para hacer comparaciones de igualdad entre dos cosas, personas o situaciones. Aquí tienes una lista de algunas expresiones comunes que utilizan esta estructura:



Ejemplo en inglés

As easy as pie

Tan fácil como comerse un pastel

“Solving that puzzle was as easy as pie.”

As busy as a bee

Tan ocupado como una abeja

“She’s always as busy as a bee, running from one task to another.”

As cool as a cucumber

Tan fresco como una lechuga

“Even in stressful situations, he remains as cool as a cucumber.”

As good as gold

Tan bueno como el oro

“The child behaved as good as gold during the ceremony.”

As light as a feather

Tan ligero como una pluma

“After losing weight, she felt as light as a feather.”

As strong as an ox

Tan fuerte como un toro

“He’s as strong as an ox; he can lift anything.”

As quick as a flash

Tan rápido como un rayo

“She finished the test as quick as a flash.”

As blind as a bat

Tan ciego como un murciélago

“Without my glasses, I’m as blind as a bat.”

As clear as mud

Tan claro como el barro (usado irónicamente para algo que no es claro)

“The instructions were as clear as mud.”

As happy as a clam

Tan feliz como una almeja

“He’s as happy as a clam now that he’s got a new job.”

As silent as the grave

Tan silencioso como la tumba

“The room was as silent as the grave.”

As white as snow

Tan blanco como la nieve

“Her dress was as white as snow.”

As brave as a lion

Tan valiente como un león

“He faced the challenges as brave as a lion.”

As smooth as silk

Tan suave como la seda

“The fabric felt as smooth as silk.”

As fresh as a daisy

Tan fresco como una margarita

“After a good night’s sleep, she felt as fresh as a daisy.”

Espero que estas expresiones te sean útiles para entender cómo se usa “as … as” en diferentes contextos.

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