Si tenemos pensado ir a un país de habla inglesa (o que la gente esté habituada a ello) y alquilar un vehículo, siempre es importante saber las diferentes señales de tráfico en caso de que pudiera haber algún percance.
Hoy vemos un poco de vocabulario relacionado con ello:
Inglés |
Español |
Ejemplo en inglés |
Stop Sign |
Señal de Alto |
“You must come to a complete stop at a stop sign.” |
Yield Sign |
Señal de Ceda el Paso |
“Drivers should yield the right of way at a yield sign.” |
Speed Limit |
Límite de Velocidad |
“The speed limit on this road is 55 miles per hour.” |
No Entry |
Prohibido el Paso |
“The ‘No Entry’ sign means you cannot enter this area.” |
One Way |
Dirección Única |
“This is a one-way street; traffic flows in one direction.” |
No Parking |
Prohibido Estacionar |
“Parking is not allowed in the ‘No Parking’ zone.” |
No U-Turn |
Prohibido Dar la Vuelta |
“Making a U-turn is prohibited at this intersection.” |
Pedestrian Crossing |
Paso de Peatones |
“Use the pedestrian crossing to safely cross the street.” |
School Zone |
Zona Escolar |
“Drive carefully in the school zone during school hours.” |
Roundabout |
Rotonda |
“Cars must yield to those already in the roundabout.” |
No Overtaking |
Prohibido Adelantar |
“No overtaking is allowed on this narrow road.” |
Road Work Ahead |
Obras en la Carretera |
“Be cautious when you see a ‘Road Work Ahead’ sign.” |
Slippery Road |
Carretera Resbaladiza |
“Slow down on a slippery road to avoid accidents.” |
Animal Crossing |
Cruce de Animales |
“Watch out for animals at the animal crossing.” |
Traffic Lights |
Semáforo |
“The traffic lights control the flow of traffic.” |
Railway Crossing |
Paso a Nivel |
“Stop before the railway crossing when the barrier is down.” |
Two-Way Traffic |
Tráfico en Ambos Sentidos |
“This road has two-way traffic; be cautious of oncoming vehicles.” |
Emergency Exit |
Salida de Emergencia |
“In case of an emergency, use the emergency exit.” |
Hospital |
Hospital |
“The hospital is located just down the street.” |
Parking |
Estacionamiento |
“Please park your car in the designated parking area.” |
Dead End |
Calle sin Salida |
“This street is a dead end; there’s no through traffic.” |
Detour |
Desvío |
“Take the detour to avoid the road closure.” |