Las señales de tráfico

Si tenemos pensado ir a un país de habla inglesa (o que la gente esté habituada a ello) y alquilar un vehículo, siempre es importante saber las diferentes señales de tráfico en caso de que pudiera haber algún percance.


Hoy vemos un poco de vocabulario relacionado con ello:




Ejemplo en inglés

Stop Sign

Señal de Alto

“You must come to a complete stop at a stop sign.”

Yield Sign

Señal de Ceda el Paso

“Drivers should yield the right of way at a yield sign.”

Speed Limit

Límite de Velocidad

“The speed limit on this road is 55 miles per hour.”

No Entry

Prohibido el Paso

“The ‘No Entry’ sign means you cannot enter this area.”

One Way

Dirección Única

“This is a one-way street; traffic flows in one direction.”

No Parking

Prohibido Estacionar

“Parking is not allowed in the ‘No Parking’ zone.”

No U-Turn

Prohibido Dar la Vuelta

“Making a U-turn is prohibited at this intersection.”

Pedestrian Crossing

Paso de Peatones

“Use the pedestrian crossing to safely cross the street.”

School Zone

Zona Escolar

“Drive carefully in the school zone during school hours.”



“Cars must yield to those already in the roundabout.”

No Overtaking

Prohibido Adelantar

“No overtaking is allowed on this narrow road.”

Road Work Ahead

Obras en la Carretera

“Be cautious when you see a ‘Road Work Ahead’ sign.”

Slippery Road

Carretera Resbaladiza

“Slow down on a slippery road to avoid accidents.”

Animal Crossing

Cruce de Animales

“Watch out for animals at the animal crossing.”

Traffic Lights


“The traffic lights control the flow of traffic.”

Railway Crossing

Paso a Nivel

“Stop before the railway crossing when the barrier is down.”

Two-Way Traffic

Tráfico en Ambos Sentidos

“This road has two-way traffic; be cautious of oncoming vehicles.”

Emergency Exit

Salida de Emergencia

“In case of an emergency, use the emergency exit.”



“The hospital is located just down the street.”



“Please park your car in the designated parking area.”

Dead End

Calle sin Salida

“This street is a dead end; there’s no through traffic.”



“Take the detour to avoid the road closure.”

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