Lista de 100 expresiones partitivas en inglés [1]

Para contar o cuantifcar un nombre incontable (an uncoutable noun) lo que hacemos es usar una unidad de medida, o lo que se llama en inglés “a measure word”. Por ejemplo, en inglés no podemos decir “two breads” porque “bread” es incontable (excepto en algunos casos). Así que si queremos especificar la cantidad de “bread” que queremos usar, tendremos que usar una unidad de medida como “loaf” o “slice” en una estructura como puede ser “two loaves of bread” o “two slices of bread”. Llamando así a esta estructura “Partitive sctructure”.Podéis encontrar más información en inglés aquí, y en español aquí.

Y es por eso que hace un tiempo descubrí este listado de 100 partitive expressions with Uncountable Nouns , y he decidido traducir la lista, con los ejemplos originales. Aquí tenéis la primera parte (las otras dos vendrán en los próximos días). Ideal para imprimir, aprender bien como usar este tipo de estructura y a ponerlas por doquier. También os puede resultar muy útil a la hora de aprender algunas de las expresiones más comunes entre los angloparlantes.


a torrent of abuse

Un torrente de insultos

The manager was so angry that he let loose a torrent of abuse at his workers.
a breath of fresh air

Una bocanada de aire fresco

The room was crowded and I felt faint so I went outside for a breath of fresh air.
a fit of anger

Un ataque de ira

Harry slapped his girlfriend in a fit of anger.
a piece of advice

Un consejo

Can I offer you a piece of advice about investing your savings?
a work of art

Una obra de arte

Everyone says her garden’s a work of art, it’s so beautiful.
a rasher of bacon

Una loncha de bacón/beicon

How many rashers of bacon would you like with your breakfast?
a glass of beer

Un vaso de cerveza

If you drink more than two glasses of beer, you shouldn’t drive a car.
a drop of blood

Una gota de sangre

There were two or three drops of blood on the carpet.
a spot of bother

Un pequeño/ligero problema

I’m in a spot of bother because I can’t find my car keys, and I’m already late.
a loaf of bread

Una barra de pan

How much does a loaf of bread cost in Japan?
a pat of butter

Una porción de mantequilla

Could I have three pats of butter and some jam, please?
a game of chess

Una partida de ajedrez

We played three games of chess, and Bobby won all of them.
a bar of chocolate

Una tableta de chocolate

If you’re a good boy, I’ll give you a bar of chocolate.
an item of clothing

Una prenda de vestir

Put any items of clothing you no longer need into this box.
a lump of coal

Un trozo de carbón

The kids found some lumps of coal beside the railway tracks, and took them home.
a cup of coffee

Una taza de café

The first thing I do when I get to work is have a cup of coffee.
an ear of corn

Una mazorca de maíz

Ears of corn are usually steamed or boiled and then served with butter.
a scrap of difference

No hacer caso/Producir indeferencia

I told him not to go but it didn’t make a scrap of difference.le dije que no fuese pero no me hizo el más mínimo caso
a speck of dust

Una mota de polvo

They have no kids, and you won’t find a speck of dust in their home.
a scrap of evidence

Una pizca de evidencia

There wasn’t a scrap of evidence to prove he’d done it, but he was still sent to jail for life.
an item of expenditure

Gasto de un artículo

You must have a receipt for every item of expenditure you want to claim.
an article of faith

Un artículo de fe

Freedom of expression is an article of faith among truly democratic people.
a morsel of food

Un bocado/trozo (de comida)

There wasn’t a morsel of food left in the house, so we had to go out for dinner.
a piece of fruit

Una pieza de fruta

Everyone should eat at least three pieces of fruit a day.
a bit of fun

Un poco de diversión

After working hard all day, we felt like having a bit of fun.
a piece of furniture

Un mueble

We need a piece of furniture that will look good in that empty corner.
a clove of garlic

Un diente de ajo

Take two cloves of garlic, crush them, and then add them to the soup.
a pane of glass

Un/a panel/lámina de vidrio/cristal

You have to be very careful when transporting panes of glass.
a blade of grass

Una brizna de hierba

The ant walked all the way up the blade of grass, and then all the way down again.
a pang of guilt

Una punzada de culpa/Tener remordimientos

When I saw my brother being punished for what I’d done, I felt a pang of guilt.
a lock of hair

Un mechón de pelo

He kept a lock of her hair in a small tin box with his other most precious possessions.
a jar of honey

Un tarro de miel

She stuck her fingers into the jar of honey, and then slowly licked them clean.

Como siempre, si véis algún error, podéis comentarlo tranquilamente.

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Fuente: EnglishClub

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