Hoy toca ver el vocabulario relacionado con la lista de acciones comunes que solemos hacer a la hora de conducir. Seguro que conocéis la mayoría:
Inglés |
Español |
Ejemplo en inglés |
Accelerate |
Acelerar |
“Accelerate when merging onto the highway.” |
Brake |
Frenar |
“Brake gently to slow down at the stop sign.” |
Steer |
Girar el volante |
“Steer the wheel to the right to turn left.” |
Signal |
Señalizar |
“Signal your intention to change lanes.” |
Merge |
Incorporarse |
“Merge carefully when entering the freeway.” |
Overtake |
Adelantar |
“Overtake the slower vehicle in the left lane.” |
Park |
Estacionar |
“Park in the designated parking space.” |
Reverse |
Retroceder |
“Reverse into the parking spot to get out easily.” |
Turn |
Girar |
“Turn left at the traffic light.” |
Change lanes |
Cambiar de carril |
“Change lanes when it’s safe and the signal is clear.” |
Check mirrors |
Revisar los espejos |
“Check your mirrors before making a lane change.” |
Adjust the seat |
Ajustar el asiento |
“Adjust the seat for a comfortable driving position.” |
Use the horn |
Usar el claxon |
“Use the horn to alert others in case of danger.” |
Use the turn signals |
Usar las luces de giro |
“Use the turn signals to indicate your turns.” |
Use the headlights |
Usar las luces delanteras |
“Use the headlights when driving in the dark.” |
Yield |
Ceder el paso |
“Yield to oncoming traffic at the intersection.” |
Follow the speed limit |
Seguir el límite de velocidad |
“Follow the speed limit to avoid getting a ticket.” |
Use the windshield wipers |
Usar los limpiaparabrisas |
“Use the windshield wipers when it’s raining.” |
Fasten the seatbelt |
Abrocharse el cinturón de seguridad |
“Fasten the seatbelt before starting the engine.” |
Check the blind spots |
Revisar los puntos ciegos |
“Check the blind spots before changing lanes.” |