“Wean” en inglés significa “destetar” en español. El verbo “wean” se refiere al proceso de retirar gradualmente a un bebé o un niño pequeño de la lactancia materna o de la alimentación con biberón, y cambiarlos a alimentos sólidos. También se puede utilizar para referirse al proceso de deshabituar a alguien de algo.
The baby is being weaned off the bottle.
(El bebé está siendo destetado del biberón.)
I am trying to wean myself off of coffee
(Estoy intentando dejar de tomar café)
Más ejemplos:
- I’m trying to wean my daughter off pacifiers so she can learn to self-soothe. (Estoy tratando de quitárlele el chupete a mi hija para que aprenda a calmarse sola)
- The zookeepers are slowly weaning the young elephants off their milk diet and onto solid food. (Los cuidadores del zoológico están destetando gradualmente a los elefantes jóvenes de su dieta de leche y pasándolos a alimentos sólidos)
- I’ve been weaned off the constant need for my phone, I don’t feel so lost without it anymore. (me he deshabituado de la necesidad constante de tener mi teléfono, ya no me siento tan perdido sin él)
- Our company is trying to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and switch to more sustainable energy sources. (Nuestra compañía está tratando de deshacernos de los combustibles fósiles y cambiar a fuentes de energía más sostenibles)
También es común el uso de las expresiones “Weaning period” or “Weaning process”, ambas significan lo mismo; periodo de destete.
- “The weaning period for a baby typically begins around 6 months of age, when solid foods are introduced in addition to breastmilk or formula.”
- “The weaning process for a calf can be a challenging time for both the calf and the farmer. Careful management is necessary to ensure the calf remains healthy and continues to grow well.”
- “The weaning period for puppies is a crucial time in their development as they transition from nursing to eating solid food.”
- “The weaning process for a foal can take several months, as they gradually decrease their dependence on milk and increase their intake of hay and grain.”
- “The weaning period is a difficult time for both the mother and the baby. The mother needs time to recover, and the baby needs time to adjust to the new diet.”
- “weaning process is a slow and gradual process for both mother and baby, and it can be emotionally difficult for the mother especially when it comes to breastfeeding”
- “The weaning period for a human child can vary widely, with some children being fully weaned by 2 years of age, while others may continue nursing well into childhood.