Continuamos una vez más, con esta entrega en la que mediante numerosos ejemplos, veremos las diferentes personalidades que pueden haber en una persona (tanto físicas, como emocionales).
Importance of saving – Importancia de ahorrarThey learned the importance of saving during the global crisis.
Jaw line – Línea de la mandíbulaMy jaw line is like my mother’s.
Olive Skin – piel trigueña/cetrinaShe has olive skin like her mother.
Parents’ footsteps – Pasos de los padresShe wants to become a dancer following her parents’ footsteps.
Best friend – Mejor amigoWhen we were young he used to be my best friend.
Medium height – Altura mediaThe medium height of my class is 5 feet 11 inches.
Medium weight – peso medioThe medium weight of my team is 75 kg.
Multiple personality – personalidad múltipleAn actor/actress has to be able to have a multiple personality.
Self-confident – Seguro de uno mismoMark is really self-confident with girls.
Self-conscious person – Persona cohibida/inseguraTom is a pretty self-conscious professional while talking in front of public.
Shaped eyes – Forma del ojoLaura and her mother have the same shaped eyes.
Useful profession – Profesión útilThat can be a useful profession for your future.
Worst enemy – Peor enemigoSometimes your worst enemy can be found in your family.
Fight with somebody – Pelearse conMy elder sister likes fighting with people.
Learn the importance – Aprender la importanciaAlexandra needed to learn the importance of saving.
Possess qualities – Poseer cualidadesWhat qualities do you think your mother possesses?
Wear glasses – Llevar gafasHarrison and his father both need to wear glasses.
Come to a conclusion – Llegar a una conclusiónWe both looked in the mirror and came to the same conclusion – we are identical!
Run in the family – Ser/venir de familiaThere are any special characteristics that run in your family?
Look angrily – Mirar airadamenteThe actress had to look at her co-star angrily at one point in the film.
Bad tempered – MalhumoradoMark has really bad temper when he gets upset.
Completely wrong – Completamente equivocadoThe referee was completely wrong about that penalty.
Slightly foreign – ligeramente extranjeroAmalia’s English sounds slightly foreign.
Very demanding – Mue exigenteThe English teacher was very demanding last year.
Fall out with – Tener un disgusto con alguienI fell out with my mother because she did not wanted to take me to Valencia.
Find out – EncontrarI better find out who is the one that wrote this letter.
Grow up – Crecer, madurarI grew up in a small village with my brothers and sisters.
Keen on – Que tiene interés por algo/alguienHe seems keen on my sister.
Look like – ParecerseI look like my uncle Pepe.
Look on – Considerar a alguien comoShe looks on us as her friends.
Pick up – RecogerSandra will pick me up later on.
Put somebody off – DesanimarDoes your mother ever try to put you off acting?
Sound like – Sonar comoHis voice sounds like a dog barking
Stand by – Estar dispuesto a ayudarHis mother will stand by him for whatever he needs.
Take after – Parecerse a alguienOliver is a big boy that takes after his father very much.
Turn up – AparecerHe finally turned up at three o’clock.