Vocabulario sobre el cambio climático (incluye conversación)


En esta ocasión, veremos un poco de vocabulario (avanzado) relacionado con el medio ambiente, y algo más específico, sobre el cambio climático. Incluyendo ejemplos:



Ejemplo en inglés

Global warming

Calentamiento global

The effects of global warming are becoming increasingly visible.

Carbon footprint

Huella de carbono

I try to reduce my carbon footprint by biking to work.

Air pollution

Contaminación del aire

Air pollution is a major problem in many cities.

Exhaust fumes

Gases de escape

The exhaust fumes from cars contribute to air pollution.

Ice caps

Capas de hielo

The melting of the ice caps is a major concern.



Deforestation is causing many species to become endangered.



The government is funding a reforestation project.



The drought has caused crops to fail.

Fossil fuels

Combustibles fósiles

Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases.

Renewable energies

Energías renovables

Solar and wind power are examples of renewable energies.



The river is polluted with industrial waste.

Energy efficient

Eficiente energéticamente

Buying energy efficient appliances can save money in the long run.



Smoking is harmful to your health.



Sustainable farming practices help protect the environment.

To ban


Some countries have banned the use of single-use plastics.

To curb


The government is taking steps to curb carbon emissions.

To tackle/to fight against / to combat

Abordar / luchar contra / combatir

We need to tackle air pollution to improve public health.


Además, os incluyo un vídeo relacionado con el vocabulario visto y ejemplos de su uso:

Y para terminar, una pequeña conversación entre un negacionista climático y un joven que cree que sólo en el futuro tenemos que usar energias renovables. Una conversación que resulta interesante para debatir y profundizar más en el tema:


Denier: I don’t understand why everyone is so obsessed with this idea of climate change. It’s just a hoax created by politicians to scare people and push their own agendas.

Youngster: Actually, climate change is a real and pressing issue. We need to take action to transition to renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint before it’s too late.

Denier: But there’s no proof that the Earth’s climate is actually changing. The weather has always been unpredictable, and it’s not something we can control.

Youngster: That’s not entirely true. There is a lot of scientific evidence that shows that global temperatures are rising, and that human activities are contributing to this trend.

Denier: Well, I’m not convinced. Even if climate change is real, why should we bother with renewable energy? Fossil fuels are cheaper and more reliable.

Youngster: That may have been true in the past, but renewable energy sources like wind and solar power are becoming increasingly cost-effective and efficient. Plus, they don’t have the same harmful environmental impacts as fossil fuels.

Denier: I don’t see why we should be sacrificing our current way of life just to appease environmentalists. I’m perfectly content with the way things are.

Youngster: But the truth is that our current way of life is not sustainable in the long term. If we don’t take action to reduce our carbon emissions and switch to renewable energy sources, we could face catastrophic consequences like rising sea levels and more extreme weather events.

Denier: I still think you’re being overly alarmist. We don’t need to take such drastic measures. Climate change is just a natural occurrence, and it’s not something we can control.

Youngster: I understand that it can be scary to think about, but the reality is that we do have the power to make a difference. We can make changes to our own behavior and advocate for policies that promote sustainability and renewable energy. It’s up to us to create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

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