Collocations comunes con “Have”

Aunque anteriormente hemos visto las principales expresiones o collocationes de los verbos “do, get , go, make, take y have”, en esta ocasión quiero hacer hincapié en el verbo “have” y en las collocations que más se utilizan con ese verbo.

Tened en cuenta, que muchas de estas collocations se pueden intercambiar por el verbo “take”, la única diferencia es que en Estados Unidos predomina el uso de “take” y en Reino Unido el de “have”.

Allá vamos:


  • Have an argument – Tener una discusión (también puede ser tener un argumento o razón sobre un tema

Ejemplo: They had an argument about what they were going to do after lunch.


  • Have a bath – Darse un baño / bañarse

Ejemplo: I prefer to have a bath, so I can stay longer in the bathroom.


  • Have a break – Tomarse un descanso

Ejemplo: Let your body have a break at least every other day.


  • Have a chat – Hablar / Tener una conversación / Chatear

Ejemplo: We need to have a chat about what to do about our relationship.


  • Have a coffee  –  Tomar un café

Ejemplo: Let’s have a coffee in he square next to the cathedral.


  • Have a conversation  – Tener una conversación

Ejemplo: I will have a conversation with her about what to do.


  • Have a day off – Tener un día libre

Ejemplo: If you do not have a day off, you are going to have problems with your body.


  • Have a decision – Tomar una decisión

Ejemplo: Has he made a decision about buying the camper van yet?


  • Have a dispute – Tener una disputa

Ejemplo: What if Marvel and Sony didn’t have a dispute, Marvel just didn’t know how to continue Spiderman after that massive cliffhanger.


  • Have a dream – Tener un sueño

Ejemplo: I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.


  • Have a fight – Tener una pelea / combate / discusión

Ejemplo: He had to fight the attacker with a knife.


  • Have a haircut – Cortarse el pelo

Ejemplo: The hairdresser at the square,  will enable you to have a haircut, hairstyle, curls,uncurls, colouring, etc.

  • Have a holiday – Tener vacaciones

Ejemplo: You can have a holiday apartment steps away from the coast.


  • Have a lecture – Tener/dar una conferencia

Ejemplo: I need to have a lecture on philosophy next week.


  • Have a lesson – Tener una lección/clase (por ejemplo, de una asignatura)

Ejemplo: The children have a computer lesson once a week.


  • Have a lie down – Tener que acostarse

Ejemplo: Please have a lie down and sleep for several hours.


  • Have a meal – Tener una comida (normalmente se refiere a una comida o cena)

Ejemplo: I occasionally have a meal with my ex girlfriend.


  • Have a nap – Tener/Echar una siesta

Ejemplo: If you have a nap, you will feel better later.


  • Have a party – Tener una fiesta

Ejemplo: Let’s have a party tonight with the lovely people from Bulgaria.


  • Have a quarrel – Tener una disputa

Ejemplo: Trump has no quarrel with the people of Europe.


  • Have a rest – Tener/tomar un descanso

Ejemplo: Try to have a rest and calm down, you’re getting anxious.


  • Have a shave – Tener un afeitado / afeitarse

Ejemplo: Some men do not have a shave because they like to grow a bear.


  • Have a shower – Darse una ducha / Ducharse

Ejemplo: Tell everyone in the family to have a shower, not a bath, so we do not need to waste water.


  • Have a snack – Tomar un aperitivo / refrigerio

Ejemplo: That place seems perfect to stop, stretch the legs, and have a snack before continuing the drive.


  • Have a snooze – Tomar / echarse una siesta

Ejemplo: I didn’t sleep much last night, I hope I can have a snooze before the football match.


  • Have a stretch – Hacer estiramientos / estirarse

Ejemplo: Always have a stretch before doing exercise.


  • Have a sweet – Tomar un dulce

Ejemplo: I don’t like fish and I do have a sweet tooth.

Nota* Sweet tooth se refiere a alguien que le gusta mucho el sabor dulce.


  • Have a swim – Nadar / Ir a nadar

Ejemplo: One day you can go to the beach and have a swim.


  • Have a talk – Tener una charla

Ejemplo: We can have a talk about it some other time.


  • Have a think – Pensar sobre un problema o una pregunta

Ejemplo: I’ll have a think and let you know as soon as possible.


  • Have a walk – Dar un paseo

Ejemplo: Do not forget to have a walk around Cork and see the Blackrock castle.


  • Have a wash – Tener un lavado / Lavar / lavarse

Ejemplo: I need to have a wash before lunch.


  • Have fun – Divertirse

Ejemplo: Do not worry and have fun in Melbourne!


  • Have lunch – Tener una comida

Ejemplo: I don not want to have lunch with my workmates, they are so stupid!


Y la correspondiente infografía:



Si queréis aprender más collocations con have, en 7SL tienen una lista muy completa.

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