Esta semana vamos a ver varios ejemplos de cómo decir que algo no es facil de realizar. De entre todas ellas, me quedo con la de “It´s quite demanding”, siempre queda elegante decirlo delante de los demás :P
- It´s not so easy.
– It’s not so easy writing about nothing.
- It´s a bit tricky.
– She’s very easily offended, so working with her can be a bit tricky.
- It´s quite tough at times.
– It’s quite tough to go to school and work a full-time job
- It´s (quite/bit) hard going.
It’s quite hard going to keep the house clean when everybody is drinking and eating.
- It´s quite demanding.
– Foreign languages was the only thing that interested me when I was at school, so playing in another language… it is quite demanding because if it is not your mother tongue, you are missing some connotations and some emotional depth of certain things. – Tom Wlaschiha
Y como siempre, la infografía para los interesados:
P.D: El meme del título rinde homenaje a Prince, cuyo texto forma parte de las letras de la canción “When the Doves Cry“.