Collocations con “Make”

Llegamos al verbo que más collocations tiene, y ese es nada más y nada menos que el verbo “Make”. En ocasiones anteriores hemos visto sus expresiones más comunes, sus phrasal verbs, las diferencias entre “do y make”, y ejercicios sobre sus diferencias.

Así que en esta ocasión, toca ver sus collocations. Allá vamos:


  • Make a break for – Correr hacia…

Ejemplo: A lion jumped the fence and made a break for freedom.


  • Make a cake – Hacer un pastel

Ejemplo: You can make a cake for when your friends come over.


  • Make a call – Hacer una llamada

Ejemplo: I can’t go out to lunch because I have to make a call to my mother.


  • Make a choice – Elegir

Ejemplo: You made the choice of staying here; now live with it.


  • Make a comment – Hacer un comentario

Ejemplo: I would, like to make a comment about this report.


  • Make a complaint – Presentar una queja / denuncia, formular una reclamación

Ejemplo: I think that the citizen’s right to make a complaint is a good thing.


  • Make a confession/ an admission – Confesar

Ejemplo: I have a confession to make. I like pizza with pineapple.


  • Make a contract – Hacer un contrato

Ejemplo: Can I make a contract before turning 18?


  • Make a cup of tea – Hacer / preparar un té

Ejemplo: I’m going to make a cup of tea, my dear.


  • Make a deal – Hacer un trato, llegar a un acuerdo

Ejemplo: I don’t think you should make a deal to sell your photos


  • Make a decision – Tomar una decisión

Ejemplo: We need to make a decision today about whether we’re going to accept this offer.


  • Make a difference – Marcar la diferencia

Ejemplo: Make a difference. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.


  • Make a discovery – Hacer un descubrimiento

Ejemplo: Einstein made a discovery that changed the world.


  • Make a fool of yourself – Hacer el tonto / ridículo

Ejemplo: I don¡t mind being wrong, but I hate making a fool of myself


  • Make a fortune – Ganar una fortuna o un dineral

Ejemplo:  That businesswoman has made a fortune in betting sports.


  • Make a fuss – Armar un escándalo

Ejemplo: One of the customers was making a fuss at the teller’s counter.


  • Make a habit – Crear un hábito

Ejemplo: You are making a habit of being late everywhere.


  • Make a living – Ganarse la vida

Ejemplo: We would all like to make a living doing what we enjoy.


  • Make a mess – Ensuciarlo todo, destrozar, ponerlo todo patas arriba

Ejemplo: The kids made a mess in the kitchen.


  • Make a mistake – Cometer un error

Ejemplo: I think you made a mistake with the directions. We’re lost.


  • Make a move – Cambiar de lugar, tomar la iniciativa, ponerse en marcha (a la hora de realizar un propósito)

Ejemplo: What would it take for you to definitely make a move?


  • Make a note (of) – Tomar nota (de algo), anotar

Ejemplo: Would you please make a note of that?


  • Make a pass at – Propasarse con (alguien), acosar a (alguien), insinuarse a (alguien).

Ejemplo: He was disciplined for sexual harassment after he made a pass at one of the secretaries.


  • Make a point – Decir algo importante, insistir en (algo)

Ejemplo: Every time I tried to make a point at the meeting, you interrupt me.


  • Make a prediction – Hacer una predicción

Ejemplo: I will make a prediction later.


  • Make a presentation – Hacer una presentación

Ejemplo: The youths will make a presentation to the congregation this Sunday.


  • Make a profit – Obtener un benificio

Ejemplo: I think you will make a profit with this business, but you have to be patient.


  • Make a promise – Hacer una promesa

Ejemplo: When I make a promise I like to fulfil it.


  • Make a reservation – Hacer una reserva, reservar

Ejemplo: I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant for next Friday.


  • Make a speech – Realizar un discurso

Ejemplo: At the birthday party everyone asked meto make a speech.


  • Make a statement – Hacer una declaración

Ejemplo: We’re making a statement by boycotting this company


  • Make a suggestion – Hacer una sugerencia

Ejemplo: I would like to make a suggestion to improve the benefits.


  • Make a takeover bid – Hacer una oferta pública de adquisición

Ejemplo: Coca Cola will make a takeover bid to Pepsi.


  • Make amends – Compensar, hacer las paces

Ejemplo: How do you propose to make amends to those you hurt?


  • Make an agreement – Llegar a un acuerdo

Ejemplo: We did not make an agreement on what the amounts are from your company.


  • Make an appointment – Pedir una cita (para el médico, cliente, etc…)

Ejemplo: Can I make an appointment with the doctor?


  • Make an attempt – Intentar

Ejemplo: The French made an attempt to build a canal across Panama, but failed.


  • Make an effort – Hacer un esfuerzo

Ejemplo: You could learn English if you just made an effort.


  • Make an enquiry – Hacer una consulta

Ejemplo: Jamie works in a call centre where he handles enquiries.


  • Make an exception – Hacer una excepción

Ejemplo: I don’t normally stay up after midnight, but I’ll make an exception, as it’s your birthday.


  • Make an excuse – Poner una excusa

Ejemplo: I make excuses when I’ve said something to my partner I shouldn’t have.


  • Make an impression – Causar / dar una buena impresión

Ejemplo: If you want to make an impression socially, it is very important to remember people’s names.


  • Make an offer – Hacer una oferta

Ejemplo: They were asking 3000€ for the car, but if you make an offer, they might give it to you for less.


  • Make believe – Hacer creer, fingir, simular

Ejemplo: Let’s make believe that you are the boss and I’m your secretary.


  • Make changes – Hacer cambios

Ejemplo: I’m going to make changes to the curriculum for next week.


  • Make ends meet – Llegar a fin de mes

Ejemplo: We don’t make much money, but we always make ends meet somehow.


  • Make friends – Hacer amigos

Ejemplo: After 10 years of fighting, my brothers decided to forget the past and make friends.


  • Make fun of – Reirse / burlarse de (alguien)

Ejemplo: Stop making fun of her. She just wants to stay with us.


  • Make love – Hacer el amor

Ejemplo: Julia and John took a shower together and made love.


  • Make peace – Hacer las paces, reconciliarse

Ejemplo: We decided to make peace with the neighbors.


  • Make plans – Hacer planes

Ejemplo: It’s impossible to make any plans if your job isn’t secure.


  • Make progress – Hacer progresos

Ejemplo: They are finally making progress on the house renovation.


  • Make room – Hacer sitio / hueco / lugar

Ejemplo: The laboratory was taken down to make room for the new school.


  • Make sense – Tener sentido

Ejemplo: These instructions don’t make sense.


  • Make sure – Asegurarse

Ejemplo: When you leave the house, make sure all the doors are locked.



Y la infografía:

Collocations make

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