Lista de 100 expresiones partitivas en inglés [3]

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a sense of shameSentido de la vergüenza I doubt he’s capable of feeling a sense of shame for what he’s done.
a minute of silenceUn minuto de silencio There was a minute of silence before the game began.
a night of sleepUna noche de sueño I think I’ve had about three nights of sleep in the six weeks since our baby was born.
a shower of rainUn chaparrón We got caught in a shower of rain while walking to the station.
a grain of riceUn grano de arroz There wasn’t a single grain of rice left in the village.
a pinch of saltUna pizca de sal Add two or three pinches of salt as the water is coming to the boil.
a wall of silenceUn muro de silencio The fear of punishment created a wall of silence around the truth.
a cloud of smokeUna nube de humo After the riots, you could see clouds of smoke rising into the sky as buildings around the city burned.
a fall of snowUna nevada A heavy fall of snow left the whole landscape a glistening white.
a cake of soapUna pastilla de jabón Talk about extravagant! She uses a new cake of soap each time she showers.
a feeling of sorrowUn sentimiento de tristeza/pena There was a feeling of sorrow in the room as everyone thought about what had happened.
a bowl of soupUn plato/tazón/bol de sopa As soon as we all sat down, she brought three big bowls of soup and three spoons.
a lump of sugarUn terrón de azúcar There was a little jar on the table full of lumps of sugar.
a spoonful of sugarUna cucharada de azúcar How many spoonfuls of sugar do you like in your tea?
a ray of sunshineUn rayo de luz Barry said his baby daughter was a little ray of sunshine in his life.
a cup of teaUna taza de té Do you prefer a cup of tea with your breakfast, or a cup of coffee?
a game of tennisUn partido de tenis It’s just a game of tennis, so I don’t know why you’re getting so upset!
a clap of thunderEstallido de un trueno The silence was shattered by two sudden, loud claps of thunder.
a moment of timeInstante/momento It was a moment of time that nobody who was there will ever forget.
a grain of truthUn grano de verdad She said there wasn’t a grain of truth in her husband’s story.
an act of vengeanceUn acto de venganza The police suspected the fire had been deliberately lit as an act of vengeance.
an outbreak of violenceUn estallido de violencia After years of injustice, outbreaks of violence were becoming more frequent.
a drop of wáterUna gota de agua The drop of water slowly grew, and then it fell from the tap.
a sign of wealthUn signo de riqueza/prosperidad The signs of wealth that took him fifty years to earn hardly seemed worth it.
an ear of wheatUna espiga de trigo The winning photograph is a close-up of a single ear of wheat.
a shot of whiskeyUn trago/chupito de whisky/güisqui As soon as he sat down at the bar, Hunter downed a shot of whiskey.
a gust of windUna ráfaga de viento A gust of wind grabbed the kite and swept it into an acrobatic loop.
a glass of wineUn vaso de vino Our waiter knocked over two glasses of wine as he tried to set down a plate.
a pearl of wisdomUna perla de sabiduría After stroking his beard and smiling, the guru dispensed a pearl of wisdom to his followers.
a block of woodUn bloque de madera Jam some blocks of wood behind its back wheels, or the truck will roll down the hill.
a ball of woolUna bola de lana It’s just a tangle of wool now, but it was a ball of wool before our kitten found it.
a day of workUn día de trabajo The workers only get five or six dollars for a full day of work.


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