Reel in tiene dos significados que a continuación intentaré explicar:
Significado 1: Es un phrasal verb separable y su significado sería casi literal “traer algo” a través del sedal, o lo que es lo mismo; recoger un pez con el sedal . Pero lo mejor es que ponga unos ejemplos para no hacer más lioso el tema:
– With great effort, she reeled the huge fish in.
– The tension in it was greatly reduced and he was slowly reeling the fish in.
– Before he knew it, a fish was tugging on the line, and he reeled it in.
Significado 2: “Atraer la atención”, “persuadir” (sobre todo a clientes) son los claros significados para este phrasal verb, en este caso, separable.
– Television commercials use famous people to reel in viewers.
– The new neon sign in that window shop is really reeling in the customers.
– The new Apple´s advertisement with Johnny Dep is reeling in among female population.