Recopilatorio de Phrasal verbs


A continuación os dejo con los phrasal verbs que hemos estado viendo hasta ahora, incluyendo aplicaciones de Android y demás. Conforme se vayan viendo nuevos phrasal verbs intentaré añadirlos lo antes posible a este recopilatorio:


Teoria: Phrasal verbs


Grupos de phrasal verbs:

Phrasal verb: Ask (about, after, down round/around, for, in, out, over, up)

Phrasal verb: Break (down, in, into, out, through, up)

Phrasal verb: Call (off, on, up, back)

Phrasal verb: Come (By, In, Out, Back)

Phrasal verb: Get (Along, away, back, by, in/into, out, on, off, through, over, up)

Phrasal verb: Give (Away, back, in, off, onto, out, up)

Phrasal verb: Look (At, for, out, over, up, up to)

Phrasal verb: Make (for, into, out, out with, out to be, up, up for, of, off)

Phrasal verb: Put (Away, in, off, on, out)

Phrasal verb: Turn (Around, on, off, up, down)


 Phrasal verbs individuales:

Beef up

Blurt out

Bring off

Carry on

Cut up

Dying for

Fall behind

Fuss over

Get away with

Hush up

Miss Out

Opt for

Reel in

Roll out

See off

Sit back

Spell out

Step out

Step up

Sum up

Think up

Wean off

Wise up


Aplicaciones de Android:

Learn Phrasal Verbs – Wlingua

English Grammar – Phrasal Verb

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